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4 Reasons to Not Despise Divine Delays

Delayed Flight Schedule
Delayed Flight Schedule

My schedule has been grueling the past nine (9) months. It’s been a season filled with highs, lows, promotions, gains, and lessons learned so I was really looking forward to a much-needed vacation a few weeks ago. If you’re reading this post you’ve probably already picked up on the plot twist that not everything went as planned. Keep reading!

I arose early that Friday morning, at 3 AM to be exact, to catch a 5 AM flight. Upon arriving at the airport and checking in I noticed there was only one TSA checkpoint open in the terminal. Unbeknownst to me if you go to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport before 5 AM there is only one TSA checkpoint open in some of the terminals. After checking in I go stand in what seemed to be the longest, slow-moving line ever. I’m managing my angst with some, "This is where we are. Let go and let God. It is well. Just go with the flow” talk. As I am accepting current circumstances another checkpoint opens. Hallelujah! So, me and a few other passengers literally sprint to that checkpoint, get through security and then I go racing back to my gate (I'm at terminal 28, I need to go back to terminal 1-5. If you travel from DFW you know what that trek is like). I make it to the gate just as the gate agent makes the final boarding call. I get into my seat, pray again before takeoff and voila, I am on my way to Saint Lucia.

Welp! 45 minutes into the flight the plane begins to descend. I know it's normal for planes to change altitude depending on weather conditions or what's being encountered in the sky, so I wasn't alarmed by the dissension. The captain then announces we must turn around and go back to Dallas because there was a crack in the windshield of the plane. Honestly, the only thing I am thinking about is how I really wanted to get to Miami for my connecting flight so that I would make it to the resort the same day as planned.

Once we arrived back to the DFW Metroplex the pilot comes on again to say that he must fly for a little longer to burn some of the fuel because he can only land with so much weight (this will be explained in another post). Well, this meant we weren't landing immediately, and chances are I would miss the connecting flight from Miami to Saint Lucia. The anxiety set in. I was checking the airline app feverishly to see if I could call customer service to be accommodated with another flight so that I could still get out of the country on the same day however a lot of flights had already been cancelled and flight schedules were extremely delayed. For those who weren’t already in the air that day getting to your destination as planned was out of the equation. I was tired because I had already been up super early and I was annoyed. As eager as I was to start my vacation, I also knew the Lord doesn't cause a delay that doesn't benefit us. Remember that all His plans are GOOD. (Romans 8:28)

Divine delays occur when the Lord redirects our route for one or several reasons. We don’t frequently grasp or appreciate these moments. The visceral response of majority of the human population is frustration. If things aren't going quite as planned for reasons beyond your influence, I want to share with you what Holy Spirit revealed to me as it pertains to divine delays.

1. Divine delays are a result of God’s divine protection being made manifest in the natural.

“He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge;His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” - Psalm 91:4 (NKJV)

God is all knowing. He is aware of people, places, things, and happenings everywhere at all times. He knows the outcome before you set your intentions to do something. Like a good Father who deeply loves His children, He is faithful to protect us from harm we can’t see or discern.

2. Divine delays ensure you’ll arrive to your destination at the appointed time.

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” - Habakkuk 2:3 (NKJV)

God’s timing is absolutely perfect. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! He created time and thus functions outside of time. His plans for our lives are perfect. His delays might simply be because what you desire is not in His timing YET. But delays are not a denial. Don’t put a period where He has put a comma. If He has placed something in your heart to accomplish, it will come into fruition.

3. Divine delays develop two major fruits of the spirit: patience and self-control.

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,”- James 1:2 (NKJV)

Trust Him. Delays are God’s way of growing your faith and developing your character. Our understanding of the multifaceted nature of God can grow exponentially when we learn to not lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6) of a circumstance. Furthermore, trials and delays prune us. They circumcise the trivial from our hearts and for those who are willing, quicken us to His presence, to consult Him about a matter.

4. Divine delays are God's way of directing our paths.

“A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.” - Proverbs 16:9 (NKJV)

God’s delay is His way of redirecting you. You may be considering going in one direction, but He wants you to take a specific, prepared path. Remember to use your GPS – God’s Positioning System. He’s much more accurate than a maps app.

Whatever you are may be facing at this moment, rest assured God has valid reasons for divine delays. Trust Him because He is completely in love with you and wants to give you His very best.

There's so much more to share. To be continued...

In His Love & Boldness,

❤️ Teacher Nina

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